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Laws & Legislation

Landmark Changes in Colorado Law

 We honor and thank our bill sponsors, the Colorado General Assembly, and Governor John Hickenlooper and Governor Jared Polis, for enacting the following bills supported by ASRC:


SB 14-051 (Adult adoptee and certain others access to adoption records)

SB 14-062 (Reinstatement of parent-child legal relationship)

HB 14-1042 (Birth parent access to relinquishment records)

HB 14-372 (Concerning unauthorized advertising for adoption purposes)

HB 15-1106 (Clarify access to unredacted adoption records)

HB 15-1282 (Criminal penalty for false information on birth certificate)

HB 15-1355 (Access to sibling information for former wards of the state)

HB 19-1023 (Foster Children Driving Licenses)

HB 21-1084 (Driver's Licenses for Foster Children)

HB 21-1072 (Equal Access Services for Out-of-Home Placements)

HB 21-1073 (Support Foster Families License Plates)

HB 21-1094 (Foster Youth in Transition Program)

HB 21-1101 (Preserving Family Relationships in Child Placement)

SB 21-117 (Foster Care Student Services Coordination)

SB 21-278 (Reimbursement for Out-of-home Placement Services)

SB 22-224 (Protections for Donor-conceived Individuals and Families)







Tennessee:  Doe v. Sundquist, 2 S.W. 3d 919 (1999)

The court affirmed that retrospective access to records does not impede any vested or contractual right to birthparent privacy.


Does v. State of Oregon 164 Or. App. 543, 993 P. 2d 833, 834 (1999)

The Court affirmed that, because a birth parent does not have a fundamental right to have their child adopted, they cannot have a correlative fundamental right to have their child adopted under circumstances that guarantee their anonymity from the child.


Read the historic landmark Court of Appeals Ruling in re J.N.H. 209 P. 3d 1221 (Colo. App 2009) that granted access to records to adoptee Jeff Hannasch and for adoptions finalized between 1951 and 1967. 



View links to federal and state adoption laws

View links to intercountry adoption and surrogacy laws




Adult adoptees of Native American ancestry can also seek tribal affiliation

information through provisions of the Indian Child Welfare Act, Sections 1917 and 1951.  


The US Supreme Court  affirmed that non-custodial fathers' rights were limited under NICWA in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl




Federal and State Laws and Court Rulings


 New meeting space!  Join us at 7 pm on the last Tuesday of each month, except December, at the Independence Institute 727 E. 16th Avenue.  Free parking in the lot to the west of the building. NOTE: use the NORTH ENTRANCE (not the main door).    




P.O. Box 24556
Denver, CO 80224

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