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Arts & Media

We seek opportunities to encourage and support artistic, literary, musical and digital/video expressions consistent with our mission. Our members and local friends have written and contributed to books including Adoption and Mothering, Baby Boy R, Beat Bastard, Finding Our Place, Shadow Train, The Bastard Chronicles, The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption,   and Women Who Run With the Wolves.


We have participated in or served as a resource for the making of three documentaries, including Dan Rather's Emmy-nominated Adopted or Abducted?, David Quint's Father Unknown, and the German documentary Eine Geschichte von Liebe und Wut (A History of Love and Rage), based on the life story of Andreas Nakic, adopted in Colorado and raised in Germany.   



Community Outreach & Education

We have a well-established legacy of providing personalized support and education based on real-life experience grounded in a sound theoretical base.  We value collaboration and partnerships with like-minded local and national organizations.  You might have seen our booth at the People's Fair, or watched an interview on Denver's major television news channels.  You might have read one of the front  page articles in the Denver Post, Boulder Daily Camera, or Grand Junction Sentinel. We welcome invitations for members of our Speakers' Bureau to continue to share our stories at community events, including genealogical societies, university classes, churches and civic organizations.   

Male Adoptee/Alumni Impact Summit

Join men impacted by relinquishment, adoption and foster care for activities, camaraderie, insight and relaxation in the fresh air of the spectacular Colorado Rockies, in early-mid September 2019 (dates TBA)! Participants have described the dynamic as liberating, powerful, intense and unique.  Visit our website via the link for program and registration details. Check out the the MAAIS Facebook page for more photos. Questions? Contact us via 

Policy & Advocacy

Creating well-being for our target communities requires an understanding of current laws and policies framed within the sociopolitical context and history leading up to today.  This initiative seeks to integrate academic "deep dives" with  practical experience from the perspective of therapists, social workers and legislative advocates.  Examples include:


  • Participating in studies on best practices for supporting birth/first mothers, conducted by a sociology professor from Shizuoka University in Japan who influences national adoption policy and practice;

  • Participating in a study on best practices in adoption conducted by visiting Romanian government officials. 

  • Raising awareness among state and local officials about the lifelong implications of relinquishment and adoption, as well as the healthy long-term benefits of truth and transparency for those who live the experience. 

  • Keynote presentation by Kathy Mackechney, LCSW and Dr. Chaitra Wirta on the topic of "Thoughtful and Intentional Recruitment Language in Adoption and Foster Care";

  • Co-authoring the chapter "Culture, Law and Language:  Adversarial Motherhood in Adoption" by Rich Uhrlaub and Nikki McCaslin in Adoption and Mothering, Frances Latchford, Ed. 


Are we a "think tank?"  Not exactly.  Do we believe that ordinary, thoughtful citizens can make a difference in how society understands these issues?  Definitely.    

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 New meeting space!  Join us at 7 pm on the last Tuesday of each month, except December, at the Independence Institute 727 E. 16th Avenue.  Free parking in the lot to the west of the building. NOTE: use the NORTH ENTRANCE (not the main door).    




P.O. Box 24556
Denver, CO 80224

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