Gaslighting in Adoptionland? Intent vs. Technique
Gaslighting. To one degree or another, we've all experienced it, we've all done it - even if only as part of a practical joke. But what...

The Definition of Insanity, or Bad Ways to Formulate Good Adoption Policy
In 1999, when Colorado advocates were struggling to pass a records access bill, state senator and Senate Judiciary Chair Dottie Wham...

The Right Side of History: 20 Years in Review
The Right Side of History. It's a phrase that has been bandied about by some adoption reform activists - BN's Marley Greiner in...

Do You See What I See? A Layman's Observations About Truth and Lies in Adoption Reform
“…and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:32 The above quote has been widely misappropriated and...

The "Both and" of National Adoption Month and Pie
National Adoption Month is upon us, and the usual rhetoric of the joyous miracle of "forever families" and the wounds and angst of "flip...