Meet the ASRC Board

Kathy Aderhold
Kathy Aderhold, RN, BSN, MSN is the ASRC Vice President. She has served on the boards of the American Adoption Congress, Origins-USA, and Adoptees in Search - Colorado's Triad Connection. Kathy was featured in Dan Rather's Emmy-nominated documentary "Adopted or Abducted?"
Kathy lost her daughter to adoption in 1972 after being sent to a Booth maternity home. Kathy searched and found her daughter in 1998. Kathy has a Bachelors and Masters in nursing and is a Certified Nurse Midwife. She developed a clinic for pregnant teens at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center in Denver, Colorado, which she directed for seven years. Currently, Kathy has her own business as a Legal Nurse Consultant working with attorneys. She and her husband Ben, who has also connected with a son who was relinquished for adoption, live in Denver, CO, and thoroughly enjoy time with their children and grandchildren.

Heidi Harris
Heidi serves as the ASRC Secretary. She was adopted at three months of age in 1972 and raised with an older brother in Denver. After learning through ASRC that she could access her legal adoption files and birth certificate, Heidi found and connected with her birth mother in 2015 and has since met her two half-sisters, two aunts and a cousin. A former public relations manager, Heidi is currently an HR and leadership development director at an email data company. She is excited to bring her PR expertise and organizational development skills to the non-profit arena.

Holly Janson
Holly is the newest member of the ASRC board, joining in 2020. She was relinquished as a newborn in 1987 in Illinois when her birth mother was 19. She has an older adopted sister, they are 7 years apart. Holly has recently found and reunited with both of her biological parents and many other family members including half sisters from both sides.
Holly graduated with a bachelors degree from Colorado State University where she majored in writing and worked as a DJ. She has since been in the media industry for the last 10 years at companies like High Noon Entertainment, Comedy Works Entertainment and NBC Universal. She currently lives in downtown Denver with her boyfriend and works as an editor at Crosspoint. In 2019 she also started her own production company, Casper Black Media.
Holly is eager to support others, share her experiences, and pay it forward by helping fellow adult adoptees in their discoveries, searches, and reunions.

Beth Paddock, MA, LPC
Beth facilitates the ASRC small group support meeting. She is a past co-coordinator for Adoptees in Search, a former Colorado Confidential Intermediary, and has counseled adoptive families, adoptees, and birth parents. She performs home studies and recertifications for Boulder County Social Services. Beth is an adoptee who connected with her maternal birth family in the 1990s.
David Quint
David discovered his passion for filmmaking as a young boy growing up in Western Colorado. One summer, he and his best friend were given access to video camera. The two spent endless hours outside creating short films with GI Joe action figures, lighter fluid and matches. David has since gone on to work professionally as a director, cinematographer and aerial cameraman filming feature films, documentaries, commercials, projects for Netflix, MTV, NBC, ABC, CBS and numerous other networks.
After more than 20 years of working with state-of-the-art motion picture cameras, he never dreamed he would unintentionally record a life-changing journey on his iPhone 3 when with he and his father Urban returned to an orphanage in Switzerland where Urban grew up. Neither of them had realized how profoundly Urban’s relinquishment 68 years earlier had impacted their family until the truth was finally revealed. Today David is passionate about spreading the message about the impacts of relinquishment and adoption to the broader public at large through authentically told stories that have the power to transform.

Jeanine Quint
Jeanine serves as the ASRC Treasurer. Full bio coming soon.

Rich Uhrlaub
Rich Uhrlaub, M.Ed. has been dedicated to support and effective advocacy for the interests of adults impacted by relinquishment and adoption for over 20 years and currently serves as ASRC President. He has served on the boards of Adoptees in Search - Colorado's Triad Connection, the American Adoption Congress, and the Colorado Adoption Intermediary Commission. Relinquished and adopted at three weeks old, Rich located and connected with his family of origin in 1995.
Rich has testified before legislative committees and presented and facilitated at various conferences nationwide. He has been interviewed for local and national radio, television and newspaper stories. Rich is a contributing author to Finding Our Place: 100 Memorable Adoptees, Fostered Persons and Orphanage Alumni (2010), Adoption and Mothering (2012), and the Bastard Chronicles (2017). His professional background includes leading the Learning Solutions Team and Management Competencies Program for an international technology firm; telecommunications and digital marketing sales; and medical-legal claims and risk management in the private and public sectors.