Oct 23, 2020
Two great organizations have teamed up for a digital event!
Adoption Network Cleveland/AKA Conference
ANC - the Ohio Family Connection is a national model for reform-focused non-profits. And, they have a track record of putting together outstanding conferences. Check out this year's event themed "Journeys of Discovery."
Aug 10, 2020
Indianapolis, IN 2020
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Support the original Adoptee Rights Coalition as we sponsor a booth and legislative breakfast at this annual event, held in different cities around the US. The NCSL is a unique opportunity to connect with and educate legislators about adoption reform issues. We can't do it without your help! Please consider a meaningful donation in any amount today.
Sep 11, 2020
Winter Park, CO
Male Adoptee/Alumni Impact Summit
Location: Trailhead Inn
Dates: September 11 - 13 (Friday evening through Sunday morning)
Activities available during free time: zip lines, hiking, jeep trips, horseback riding, archery, spa, horseshoes, game room, spectacular scenery.
Men who attended the first two MAAIS events described the community experience as a "safe zone" that is "therapeutic," "powerful" and "intense." Monthly conference calls continue! To join our mailing list, contact maimpactsummit@gmail.com.