ASRC 2019 Report
The past year was one of exciting transition, meaningful connections, significant progress and loss and heartache for our community. We continue to pursue our mission to bring Truth, Education, Advocacy, Community and Healing to those impacted by separation from ancestral connection in diverse ways:
Truth and Advocacy
Advocated for passage of HB 19-1288, the Foster Youth Sibling Bill of Rights, and HB 19-1023, a bill allowing Foster Youth to obtain their driver's license. A follow-up bill providing funding for driver's education for Foster Youth, HB 20-1071, has been introduced and in 2020. ASRC also opposed SB 19-25, which was enacted and requires most schools to educate minors about Safe Haven laws. Many thanks to our bill sponsors and lobbyist extraordinaire, adoptee Shayne Madsen.
Facilitated a well-attended legislative dinner at the Indiana Adoptee Network (IAN) conference.
Staffed the Adoptee Rights Coalition booth at the 2019 National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) in Nashville.
Provided search assistance and guidance for both traditional and DNA searches.
Published two op-ed pieces in the Colorado Sun
Supported advocates and bill sponsors with testimony letters and/or talking points in CT, FL, MA, NY and WI. We at ASRC offer hearty congratulations to all those who have worked so hard for some 40 years to see S3419/A5494 passed overwhelmingly and signed by Governor Cuomo.
Education and Community
Created a new portrait series of videos (to rave reviews!) elevating community voices and highlighting the value of not only digital, but also interpersonal connection and support.
Maintained a list of national and regional conference options.
Provided a curated news feed via Facebook.
Published the ASRC blog.
Named as the non-profit cause of choice for the dedicated team from Return Path at the Denver Startup Games.
Partnered with the Adoptee Rights Coalition to design and built their new, mobile-friendly website.
Responded to numerous email inquiries via the ASRC website and phone calls via the ASRC Helpline (303)232-6302.
Offered emotional support through monthly ASRC small group support and Colorado birth mom groups.
Sponsored the third annual Male Adoptee/Alumni Impact Summit (MAAIS).
Provide links and referrals to mental health resources. Last spring, we grieved and continue to grieve deeply as one of our own took his life.
I would like to offer a personal word of deep thanks to the ASRC board members who have served and continue to serve this community with thoughtful, compassionate dedication. Special recognition goes to Kathy Mackechney, LCSW, who has devoted many years to facilitating the small group support meeting and offering wise counsel and insights at general meetings. We wish her the best as she pursues new therapeutic directions for the benefit of those touched by relinquishment and adoption.
And finally, we are thankful and honored to be able to serve those who enjoy new and long-time connections to ASRC. Your ongoing support makes our work possible, and your changed lives, found truth, and continuing powerful stories make it all more than worth the effort.
Here's to an even better 2020!